You have passed your driving test after a number of lessons, well done and congratulations! The driving test in South Africa is tailored in a way as to your examiner being able to ascertain if your driving standards match those which the government has set when considering road safety. Statistics speak for themselves about the number of young and inexperienced people being injured on Roads on a daily basis, many of these road Traffic Collisions could be avoided simply by taking advanced driving lessons which will prepare you as a young and or inexperienced driver to face some of the realities which you are most likely to encounter on our roads. You are really beginning to learn how to drive the moment you passed your test and you proudly throw away your “L” plates, now, you have to think for yourself and rely on your own judgement without an experienced driver or driving instructor sitting next to you doing a lot of the thinking on your behalf.
Some basics of advanced driving
Advanced driving is about making progress in an efficient manner within the speed limit and road conditions. Just because the speed limit on a particular stretch of road is 60mph, it does not necessarily mean it is safe to do so, for example after a heavy downpour or on a cold morning where the possibility of black ice exists.
Always be aware of road signs, they are there to indicate other hidden dangers. For example, you drive past a sign stating that there is a school nearby; inevitably, the first thought that comes to mind of course is children. However, there are numerous other dangers to be aware of such as:
- Cars pulling out perhaps without indicating
- Car doors opening without checking for traffic first
- Pedestrians crossing without looking
- Lollipop men/ women helping children cross
- Children coming out from in-between parked cars
- Cars parked in a manner which obstruct visibility of oncoming vehicles
- Cyclists
These are just a few of the by-products of signs for a school, driving in an advanced manner is thinking about associated dangers and things to be aware of whilst on the road.
Car Handling
Always ensure that your car tyres are in optimum condition, this not only applies to the general condition but also to the pressure too. Having the correct tyre pressure is not only important for your tyre to handle and brake correctly; it can also be a way of helping with fuel efficiency too. Check your tyres on a weekly basis, ideally whilst they are still cold, once the tyre warms up, the reading will not be quite as accurate, however, this is no excuse for not checking them!
Driving instructors offer a number of courses which newly qualified drivers would benefit from such as night driving and motorway driving. As the law stands, a learner driver is only able to drive in towns, cities, B roads, A roads and dual carriageways, however, the fastest stretches of roads in the South Africa remain a no go for learner drivers, hence the importance of such courses which in recent years have become very popular.
Using these advanced driving tips as a new driver can help you feel more confident and safer on the roads.
Simply Driving Lessons specialise in a range of driving courses and lessons including intensive driving courses, Check Test training, Pass Plus driving lessons, driving theory test preparation, hazard perception test preparation, Show Me Tell Me preparation as well as standard driving lessons for all learner drivers, no matter what their age.
For high quality Driving lessons make sure you choose a Reputable Driving School / Academy like Sam’s Driving Academy in Cape Town.